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The Dead Guy

by Eric Coble

The Dead Guy

Directed by


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The Pitch: You get one million dollars to spend over the next seven days. A camera crew follows your every move and broadcasts your adventures on national television.
The Hook: At the end of the week… you die.
The Best Part: The viewing audience gets to vote on the method of your death! For hard-luck Eldon Phelps, the deal is irresistible. But does America have the stomach for this much reality?
A wicked satire, this hilarious dark comedy skewers “reality television” and our national obsession with it.   Contains Mature Language and Themes. A co-production with the MSU Department of Theatre.

Creative Team


  • 2012 Wilde Award, Best Actress in a Comedy, Robin Lewis-Bedz
Support for the Williamston Theatre Comes From
  • The
  • National